Best Women’s Interest Sites to Peruse With Wireless Internet

When you make the decision to invest in wireless Internet, you are probably doing so because you expect the amount of your free time you can spend surfing the net for fun. One of the most enjoyable “corners” of the Internet is the set of websites and blogs dedicated to the so-called “interest of women”. Unlike the standard women’s magazines that you will find on the shelves of the payment aisle at your local supermarket or supermarket, these wireless Internet sites offer a new perspective on everything from relationship advice to contemporary politics, body image, movies and literature. You can read these blogs to get sharp comments on the news of the day, or just to laugh at a link to a recently viral YouTube video. So, without further ado, these are some of the best sites of interest for women on wireless Internet. Read them during your downtime at work today!

1. Salon fact sheet

Salon is one of the oldest and most innovative websites that emerged in the era of wireless Internet. It is a magazine that has the distinction of having always been online: a print version was never sold in its local bookstore. Broadsheet is one of the official blogs hosted by Salon, and is written by a handful of commentators who discuss politics and popular culture from the point of view of women. If you want to hear a summary of Hillary Clinton’s last speech about the Middle East along with an analysis of Lady Gaga’s place in popular culture, this is the place for you.

2. Jezebel

Jezebel is part of the network of websites controlled by the Gawker Media empire, headed by wireless internet entrepreneur Nick Denton. Jezebel, one of the company’s best performing companies, is dedicated to women’s problems, and everything from body image to sexual health and reality shows is discussed in the mainstream media, including magazines of women. Websites also have a dumber side: one of its most popular and long-lasting features is called “Pot Psychology,” in which one of the founding editors, Tracie Egan Morrissey, and his friend Rick answer questions from readers while under the influence. of a certain herbal remedy. Recently taken over by a new editor, Jessica Coen, the website has launched a lot of new content in recent times, including a feature called “Dress Code” in which readers are advised on how to dress appropriately for different situations such as the job interview, the first date and the office party.

3. Feminist

Founded by Jessica Valenti, a native of Long Island, less than a decade ago, Feministing has become one of the most serious and respected feminist websites in the blogosphere. It has a diverse cast of writers from different backgrounds that analyze the news of the day. Courtney E. Martin, one of the site’s oldest writers, also regularly reviews feminist literature and monographs.

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